We’re Back! – and Tenacity

We never did an official sign-off, but just mutually decided one day last year to take a break. For about the last month or so, we have been working behind the scenes, creating plans, forming ideas, and we are quite excited to be back.

At this point, we plan for a post every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, sharing what we have learned in this jungle of a writing life. There are certain to be some lessons we learn or have learned through overcoming setbacks, advancements and all the learning curves.

When I thought of what my first post back would be about, I had all these brilliant ideas. But then I decided to harvest apples from a tree on the west side of my yard, and wanted more than I could grasp on solid ground. Grabbing a folding chair, I was able to reach more. I cleared all within my reach and moved to another spot.

I thought I knew what I was doing.

I thought the ground and support were sufficient.

But the chair I was on folded and I went down. I smashed my finger between the chair and once clear, I thought the healing could start, until I tried to put ice on my hand. Normally light weight was very VERY heavy. And I could feel something rubbing together within my hand. An x-ray confirmed what I expected. It’s broken and in such as way that surgery is necessary to fix it.

By they way, it is my right hand. By the way, I’m right-handed.

To say this has thrown a wrench in the works of my life is quite an understatement. I’m typing this post (and everything for a while) with just the index and thumb of my right hand, and two bandages on the left. And lots and lots of the delete button.

And yet, I write. Because when you are driven by something, challenges big or small can’t be the end game. If you are reading this blog, published or not, represented or not, querying or not, there is a necessity to acknowledge that no one in this business got all yesses, all four or five star reviews, all praise and admiration.

Each and every one had to dig deep within themselves, have the conversation about the reason they write. Everyone at some point recognized they write because they can imagine life without it.

And when you have something within you that causes that kind of response, you can still feel the sting of setback, the tired tears of tenacity, but they aren’t the end all. Passion for something in life is the essence of many novels and movies, the things characters for centuries have sought to discover. Match that with drive and learning, and there is the formula for eventual success.

How do you overcome setbacks in writing and life? Who is your favorite character that fought through struggles to eventually succeed?

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